Frequently Asked Questions
1. About

What is is an empowerment platform for Sri Lankan women. It provides a safe space for women to express their thoughts, share experiences, and engage in discussions anonymously.

Who runs is managed by a dedicated team passionate about empowering women. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners © 2024 Ceylon Carvings Pvt Ltd. All rights reserved.

2. Membership

How can I become a member?
To become a member, follow these steps:

  1. Registration: Click on the “Sign Up” button on the homepage. Provide your email address, choose a username, and set a password.
  2. Verification: You’ll receive a verification email. Click the link to verify your account.
  3. Profile Setup: Complete your profile by adding a profile picture and any other relevant information.

Are there any membership fees?
No, membership is free! We believe in making empowerment accessible to all.

3. Events & Activities

What kind of events and activities does offer?
We are planning to organize various events, including webinars, workshops, panel discussions, and networking sessions.

How can I participate in events?
Stay updated by visiting our website regularly. We announce events through our newsletter and social media channels.

4. Posting Content

How do I share my thoughts or experiences?

  1. Login: Log in to your account.
  2. Create a Post: Click on the “New Post” button.
  3. Compose: Write your post, add relevant tags, and choose a category (e.g., Personal Stories, Career Advice, Mental Health).
  4. Submit: Click “Submit” to share your content with the community.

Can I post anonymously?
Yes! allows anonymous posting. Your identity remains confidential.

5. Support & Contact

How can I get support?
If you need assistance or have questions, visit our Support page. You can also reach out to us via email or our contact form.

How do I provide feedback?
We value your feedback! Use our contact form or email us directly to share your thoughts, suggestions, or concerns.